Kaapi LILA with Mirjam Spoolder

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Last Sunday, I had the honour to participate in the first Kaapi LILA. A very special meeting among friends, conceived by LILA Foundation. I really thought of carrying a parachute: it was certain that we would fly high… We were invited to gather in the (temporary) studio of a Dutch artist who would tell us about her current project, still in progress – a multidimensional artistic work based on Delhi. And this was the occasion, for me, to reunite with my friends, the marvellous people that make LILA.

KS Radhakrishnan: Bronze as Continuity

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The sculpture becomes. Here is one idea, one paradox that resonated through Gulmohar Hall, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, on the evening of December 4th, as sculptor KS Radhakrishnan invited a large and diverse audience through the journey of four decades of works. A hypnotising journey, when Radhakrishnan, screening through hundreds of artefacts, builds almost inadvertently on all that sculpture, and more specifically bronze, can tell us about creation, art, culture, politics and governance. “The sculpture becomes!” – the wave of inspiration started in 1974, and it grew and disseminated to reach shores all over India and across the world. “I get all this energy simply by doing, by making sculptures. Energy is generated this way, as a flow. It is like a wave: by losing, it gains. It brings us to the next wave.”