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LILA Foundation for Translocal Initiatives


The Luminous Idea of Life Appreciation

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For once, it is good not to believe what you are doing! Work is Play. Period.

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Translocal Talks

The Films Wing

A Cultural Exchanges Platform

A Forum for Philosophy

Online Inter-Media Publication

LILA Terra-Sutra Projects

Logo Terra-Sutra 508

LILA's world-wide thought and transformaction connective, Terra-Sutra, invests itself in discovering, nurturing, celebrating, distributing, renewing and conserving resources in various fields of knowledge and creativity, so that the possibility of equitable and ecological living becomes apparent and integral to every human being. LILA organises various facilitation programmes under this banner.

Read the Vision Manifesto

Campus Links - read moreThe Sanctuaries - read moreConsultancy - read more

LILA Terra-Sutra Campus-Links understands 'campus' as an extended site of leaning and creativity, and tries to reveal the organic connections among different learning spaces across the world through various curated programmes and transformaction projects.

Open a Campus-Links

LILA Terra-Sutra Sanctuaries of Life Appreciation are interconnected local hubs of creativity, making optimum use of the communication facilities provided by technology in order to make Equity an accessible reality of our times.

Discover our Courses and Workshops

LILA Terra-Sutra is a vision of translocal governance based on LILA's concept of Organic Cultural Design. Towards this, we offer special consultancy and professional curation services to spaces across disciplines.

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we have worked with

University_of_Chicago_logo logo-tinai-ecofilm Nasheman logo Sahitya-Akademi-Logo1 your hope is remaining logo
India-Habitat-Centre-Logo readleafpoetry Carvaan logo big logo_FIND_en-300x150 AFD_logo_B-295x300
Logo-SNU-blue-w.-Dept-comm IIC_LOGO-copy movies-that-matter-300x55 BITS_Pilani-Logo.svg drishti logo 2
SAU LOGO edible-logo FINAL LOGO_colour serendipity-logo-300x80 Musui-Foundation-logo
Ashoka-logo-300x80 Musui-Foundation-logo

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